Awarded ‘Best Medical College in Delhi-NCR’ by Brands Academy
Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS), affiliated to Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh and earlier Chaudhary Charan Singh (CCS) University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, is a renowned and recognized institute in the field of medical education and research.
SIMS was established in 2008 and got approval from the Medical Council of India to commence MBBS course with 100 students. The approved 100 seats got recognized in the year 2013. From the Academic year 2016-17, SIMS received approval for 50 additional M.B.B.S seats and 100 seats in the year 2023 amounts to 250 M.B.B.S intake per year.



Average CGPA

What We Do?
At SIMS, medicine is taught in 20 departments including Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine, Community Medicine, Ophthalmology, ENT, General Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Skin & Venereal Diseases, Anesthesiology, Radio-Diagnosis and Dental Surgery.
In addition, the institute also has a Central Research Laboratory with advanced research facilities, PCR Laboratory, Medical Education Unit and Central & Departmental libraries consisting of latest books and also latest national and international journals. The college follows latest teaching methods using audio-visual teaching aids such as OHP, LCD, etc., which are available in all the lecture theatres, departments and teaching points.
Our Leadership
SIMS has a dedicated and renowned faculty in various departments. The faculty members, apart from teaching, are actively involved in research activities and have presented research papers at various National and International conferences in their respective specialties. They have a number of publications to their credit in national and international journals. Many of them have even authored books on their subjects.
Various guest lectures, CMEs, Symposia and Workshops are being organized from time to time for faculty members as well as for the students to enable them to upgrade their knowledge and skills continuously.
The college has constituted various regulatory bodies and committees including Ethical committee, Pharmacovigilance Committee, College Council, Academic Council, Research Committee, P.G. Committee, Anti-Ragging and Gender Harassment Committee, etc
SIMS Hospitals
SIMS is attached to a more than 1120-bedded hospital with ultra-modern equipments and facilities to provide outstanding and affordable medical care in a patient-friendly environment. The hospital has OPD and IPD facilities for all the clinical specialties. It also provides round the clock accident and trauma care. There are 11 major and 6 minor operation theatres, a well-equipped Labour room and Nursery Ward for premature babies. Besides these, there are 7 distinct ICUs for critically ill: (Medical, Cardiac, Surgical, Burn, Respiratory, Pediatric and Neonatal patients) which are fully equipped with all modern, sophisticated, therapeutic and monitoring equipments like Ventilators, Infusion Pumps, Phototherapy and Radiant Warmer units, Defibrillators, central gas and suction facilities with trained and qualified paramedical staff on duty 24X7.
The Hospital provides modern diagnostic and therapeutic facilities such as MRI-1.5 TESLA, Mammography, DSA, PCR, Spiral CT, Ultrasonography, Colour Doppler, TMT, ECHO, Endoscopy, Angiography, EEG, PFT, Sleep Study, NCV, EMG, VEP, BERA, Dialysis, Blood Banketc. In addition, the hospital also provides a platform for training of UG and PG students in various fields of medicine.
National Health Programmes
SIMS is a regular participant in National Health Programmes such as National Blindness Control, Blood Safety, AIDS Control, Mental Health Programme, DOTS Programme besides organizing Health and Blood Donation Camps and contributing to community health effectively.
We are also planning to establish a modern super specialty hospital having Neurology, Neurosurgery, Urology, Nephrology, Endocrinology etc. Further, our plan is to introduce various Para medical Courses in the upcoming years. Our nursing college has already commenced with ANM and GNM courses.
Our aim is to make SIMS a multi-disciplinary research oriented University par excellence in the name of Saraswathi University.
Approval details
F.No. O.12012/506/2007-ME (P-II) dated 15th July 2008 by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India, New Delhi
No. NMC/UGR/2020/011326 dated 08/09. 07.2021 by National Medical Commission
Affiliation letter With Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow, UP
Letter No.1306/MBBS-31(1)/2021/Abvmu/Affiliation, dated 13 June 2022