PRE CLINICAL - Physiology

  • Introduction
  • Curriculum
  • Facilities


Students interested in this area of body science are guided by a team of dedicated faculty members with excellent teaching resources. The sessions are a mix of both theoretical/ practical training and pre-clinical knowledge instruction. Regular symposia, seminars and dissertation meetings create forums for the exchange of ideas. Faculty members use both vertical and horizontal methods of lecture and demonstration classes so that students can have a deeper understanding.

Department is imparting teaching and training to MBBS, MD (Physiology) and engaged in research activities besides doing many diagnostic tests. Department have Amphibian, Clinical, Mammalian, Hematology and Research Laboratories equipped with modern equipments with good working environment.


The undergraduate students are given a sound grounding in the basics of physiology. The curriculum is comprised of lectures backed by practical classes where students apply concepts in real time. The postgraduate program imparts to students a detailed look at physiology, instructing them through tutorials, seminars and group discussions, journal club and motivating them in research activities of their interest under the guidance of expert faculty.

Facilities of Department

  • Department has two demonstration rooms with latest audio visual aids and department library having latest books of subjects.
  • Department has 3 specialized Labs.

Viz. Clinical Neuro Physiology, Cardio respiratory and Sleep labs where research activities are being carried out besides Amphibian, Clinical, Mammalian & Hematology lab. The Research labs have facilities of EEG, EMG, NCV, Visual, Sensory, Motor, Auditory Evoked Potentials, and Polysomnography study (Sleep study), Pulmonary Function Tests Non- invasive Cardiac output & Peripheral Blood Flow measurement for the patients referred from our hospital and outside.


Faculty member presented papers in various state national conference and published 10 research papers in indexed journal last year. Faculty regularly attends, National ,State ,Conference & workshop.

Ongoing research work:
      1. Effects of Rajyoga meditation on Somato sensory and cognitive evoked potentials, EEG wave pattern, Autonomic and Cardio Vascular Parameters. Under guidance of J.L. Agarwal

      2. Influence of BMI on Cardiac Output and Peripheral Blood Flow in Young Adult Males . ICMR STS Student: Mr Shitij Arora Guide: Dr Sumit Garg

      3. Combined Effects Of Phenytoin And Jatamansi (Nardostachys Jatamansi), Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri) And Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) On Ptz-Induced Seizures In Rabbits .Submitted CST, Lucknow for grant. CST Project Investigator: Dr JL Agarwal, Co-investigator: Dr Sumit Garg

      4. Effect of Dynamic Meditation on Blood Pressure, EEG, Autonomic Nervous System Status, Cognitive Functions and Memory of Normotensives, Pre hypertensives and Hypertensives. Investigator: Dr JL Agarwal Co-investigator: Dr Sumit Garg

Special achievements of Department / Faculty

Conducted 4th UP-UK APPICON 2013 on 28-29 Sep 2013 Theme of conference Spiritual Lifestyle Physiological & Pharmacological Perspective Organized by: Department of Physiology & Pharmacology

Workshop/ Symposium

  • Symposium 1. Cardio Vascular Resuscitation: The Recent Advances Venue: LT-1

  • Symposium 2: Non Invasive Measurement of CO & Peripheral Blood Flow: Working principal of Nicomon and Cardio Output Measurement by Nicomon LT-2

  • Symposium 3: Pulmonary Function Test workshop cum Symposium Venue: SIMS Auditorium

  • Evoked Potentials

  • Bone remodeling

  • Conference was attended by more than 300 delegates

    Dr. J.L. Agarwal has been awarded fellowship of Indian Society of Hypertension (FISH) in 2015. Department of Physiology organized CME on Pathophysiological Basis of Dyslipidemia and Hypertension on 26th Nov 2015 Dr. Anna Gvozdjakova, Professor in Medicine Comenius University, Bratislava, SK